The story of Claddagh jewelry began in the tiny fishing village of the same name in County Galway over 300 years ago. The enchanting combination of the heart for love, the hands of friendship and the crown of loyalty is still as potent today and remains an iconic symbol of Ireland.
Find the perfect precious keepsake and make any occasion memorable with a gift from our stunning range of Irish Claddagh Jewelry here at The Irish Store including our beautiful range of Claddagh rings.
Beautifully crafted from sterling silver and precious gold and featuring birthstones, diamonds, emeralds and Ireland’s ancient gemstone, Connemara Marble. A gift from Ireland to be always cherished.
Frequently Asked Questions About Irish Claddagh Jewelry
What does Claddagh necklaces mean?
Irish Claddagh Necklaces are a lovely sign of love, loyalty, and friendship and make a great gift for any occasion. Claddagh jewelry is a representation of unwavering love and faith. The fundamental design of Claddagh is two hands grasping a heart and crown.
Are Claddagh rings Traditionally gold or silver?
The majority of Claddagh jewelry is made of silver or gold, but any metal can be used. A heart-shaped gem put into the ring between the two hands, or a silver band with hands wrapped around a gold heart, is also rather common. Diamond Claddagh rings have become increasingly popular as engagement rings in recent years.
How do you wear a Claddagh ring?
When the heart is pointing towards your fingertips on your right hand this represents that the wearer is single and is potentially looking for love. When the Claddagh ring is worn on the left hand with the heart pointing toward the fingertips, typically signifies that the wearer is engaged. If you would like to wear your Claddagh band as your wedding ring, it should be put on your wedding ring finger with the heart pointing inward. This is a sign of commitment and love between two people.